Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tidbits about yours truly

A little bit about ME 

  • I am an insomniac and when I finally do get to sleep, I suffer from sleep apnea. Makes for very tired days.
  • I LOVE Reeses Pieces but am not a huge fan of peanut butter or Reeses PB Cups.
  • I love to sing karaoke. I love to sing anywhere, actually. If you ask me to sing to you, at any time, I will do so.
  • My favorite album of all time has to be Depeche Mode's Violator and Nine Inch Nails' Pretty Hate Machine.
  • My favorite color is green but I never wear it. Looks horrible on me. 'Cept for my EYES!
  • The first time I ever performed on stage was when I was about 6 years old at a church picnic. I sang a song called Sentimental Ole You.
  • I read all the Twilight books in less than one week. I hated all the movies. 
  • If I had a private place to swim in the summer, I'd swim every single day.
  • My daughter was a preemie, born at 28 weeks and was only 2 lbs. 
  • I am a rare breed of women who have experienced what is considered a true spinal headache. 
  • I am extremely disorganized. Thankful for computer files or my house would be littered with paper everywhere.
  • I collect Swarovski crystals - the flowers w/ touches of color, mostly. 
  • My sister is my best friend. She never listens to anything I tell her, though. She should. 
  • I SERIOUSLY love my friends. If you are my FRIEND, I LOVE YOU! 
  • When my moms passes on, I don't know how I'll breathe. She drives me CRAZY but she is one of my best friends. I am quite certain I'll have a mental breakdown.
  • My favorite perfume is Burberry London. 
  • My favorite SMELL is rain, cut grass, firewood burning, the mountains (pine), bread baking and my grandmothers house.
  • I am pursuing a degree in Human Services with a focus in Alcohol & Substance Abuse. I should be finished in the fall of 2014. 
  • I met my husband on the internet. It was when the movie "You've Got Mail" just came out. Everyone thought I might get killed. Instead, I got married. *insert joke about which would have been more painful here* JUST KIDDING! 
  • I will never forget Mrs. Vatterott, my 3rd grade teacher. I loved her.
  • I will also never forget Mrs. Pully, my yearbook teacher, but definitely not for the same reasons you normally would remember a teacher.
  • I love to take drives to just about anywhere. At any time. However, I must bring someone if the drive is longer than an hour, b/c I will fall asleep driving any longer than that.
  • I have INSANE dreams. I was told I have psychic abilities. I don't believe in psychic's, however. 
  • I am sarcastic. Though, not in a mean way. 
  • I say really witty things... in my head... long after a conversation is over.
  • One of my favorite towns is Hannibal, Missouri.
  • My favorite state is Utah. 
  • My whole family would have died in a snow storm in 2008 had it not been for divine intervention.

That's all for now... I like doing things like these. Maybe I'll do one every few months! 

Tell me some things about YOU! 

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