Thursday, February 23, 2012

SCC Photography Invitational

I made my way over to the Fine Arts Building a couple of weeks ago and am just now getting around to blogging about it, I apologize.
The SCC Photography Invitational pleasantly surprised me with the talent on display. I found many images I quite liked. I wish I knew more about printing how some of these images were printed. It seemed many were on Chroma, I think? Maybe someone can correct me on this description. So many stood out. However, one more than the others and not because of the type of print or format it was at all. It was smaller in size than most of them, not extremely vibrant in color like many of the others, but definitely spoke to ME. So, we all know what that means... it had a message, and if you know me, the message was somewhat dark. haha

The title was "This Will End Badly" and the photographer is: Robert Boettcher

I took a small snapshot of the photo w/ my camera phone, but I encourage everyone to go look at it for a moment if possible as my poor camera phone was just my reminder.  (That, and I like to be able to look back and have on hand things like works of art, lyrics to songs, lines from a movie, etc. that affect me.)

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