Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My friend from high school recently had a baby...

I love how the whole time she was just texting casually. haha

To see the birth story video, click HERE

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Not all illnesses are seen....

My friend, Erika, of Wonderfall Photography did a very special tribute to those suffering w/ depression and mental illness.

I thought it would be nice to share it here.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh Deer My Dear

just thought this was interesting to look at. Kept me entertained for a bit.

What's the matter here?!

Natalie Merchant/10,000 Maniacs is speaking to me this week...

Listening to this song gets me every time. I am very passionate about Human Services and this week we went to hear a speaker, Erin Myrinne (pen name), speak about child abuse, in particular, sexual abuse. It was heart breaking to know the statistics.

I plan to do a storyboard/shoot based upon the lyrics to this particular song.

"That young boy without a name, anywhere I'd know his face. 
In this city the kid's my favorite. 
I've seen him, seen him. I see him every day. 
Seen him run outside looking for a place to hide from his father, 
the kid half naked and said to myself "O, what's the matter here?" 
I'm tired of the excuses everbody uses, he's their kid I stay out of it, 
but who gave you the right to do this? 

We live on Morgan Street; 
just ten feet between and his mother, I never see her, 
but her screams and cussing, I hear them every day. 
Threats like: "If you don't mind I will beat on your behind," 
"Slap you, slap you silly." 
made me say, "O, what's the matter here?" 
I'm tired of the excuses everybody uses, he's your kid, do as you see fit, 
but get this through that I don't approve of what you did to you own flesh and blood. 

I have heard the excuses everybody uses, he's your kid, do as you see fit, 
but get this through that I don't approve of what you did to you own flesh and blood. 

"If you don't sit in your chair straight 
I'll take this belt from around my waist and don't you think that I won't use it!" 

Answer me and take your time, 
what could be the awful crime he could do at so young an age? 
If I'm the only witness to your madness offer me some words to balance out what I see and what I hear. 
All these cold and rude things that you do I suppose you do because he belongs to you 
and instead of love and the feel of warmth you've given him these cuts and sores that don't heal with time or with age. 

And I want to say "What's the Matter here?" 
But I don't dare say "What's the Matter here?"
But I don't dare say."

Monday, April 23, 2012

John Batdorff - following this photographer for a few years now

he has workshops, a blog in which he gives advice about software, lighting, etc. He also has great books out.

Check it.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

world traveler and photographer

Miz Moxie

I sometimes get my world travel bug from looking at her photos. I love photographs that can really make you want to visit a location.
She may not be "a famous photographer" but... my idea of a good photographer may be completely different than others.

Friday, April 20, 2012

19 year old photographer from France, Alexandra Sophie

stunning work.

Love this guys work

Conner Allen

He is a Facebook friend of mine that has just exploded with creativity. I'm actually a bit jealous b/c I lack a lot in this department and I don't have 1. the time to do concept shoots 2. the money to put into them.

I sure do enjoy looking at his work and the new things he does. His editing is quite remarkable. I'm hoping some day I'll get a peek into how he has done some of his edits.

Photos of Iran by Katayoon

My very dear friend in Iran has been doing a lot of landscape photography and I just love her work... Thought I'd share her as one of my artists. It's so interesting to see how different the land looks, the colors, the textures and the vegetation.

Katayoon Photography
Check out these amazing photograph by photographer Nicholas Samaras

I have always been intrigued by the ocean and off and on dreamt of studying oceanography and spending my life traveling doing research and going underwater... alas, that was not meant to be. I still am so drawn to water and I bet most people who look at me don't realize I am an excellent swimmer. Often times, during the summer, I will hang out at any pool I can find. My daughter thinks it's hilarious that I can almost kick anyones ass in a swimming race. I joke and say it's b/c I'm a beached whale. Har har. I think it's because in the water I actually feel free from my weight and the pain my knees endure on land.

Anyways... the vibrancy in these images and the feeling of calm I get from the water, the creatures in the photographs, the backgrounds and mysteriousness that some of the images have... I think part of what draws me in to ocean photography is I can just imagine being able to only see so much and wondering what's around the next reef, or beyond the light and in the darkness. Such an unknown world, really. So many possibilities and things to be discovered.

My friends work....

Ken Gehring KgPhotography

I adore his costume design (yes, he creates hats, picks out costumes, makes arrangements for every detail in his shoots). So creative!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

August Bradley - photographer


His Hasselbad Masters Book is pretty kick ass. I just fell in love w/ the in studio lighting and design he has used. What's interesting is that, I'm not usually drawn to photos that are clearly photoshopped, but one of my favorite photos of his is of a woman in a yard watering hands/forearms coming out of the ground. It's from his tearsheets section, if you feel inclined to check it out.

Peter Lik - photographer


what isn't amazing by this man?! i started watching the show, From The Edge, a little while ago and this guy doesn't create a bad photograph. I love how methodically he works, waiting for the perfect moment, studying everything around. obviously, i know the show, as all shows, is heavily edited, but my gosh, the breathtaking images are astounding.

if i had a dream, it would be to be healthy enough to go brave the elements and capture scenery similar to the ones he has.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

workshops for FREE

Digital Photography Workshop


Starts April 9th and is a FIVE day course, shorter days it appears.

Lighting Essentials Workshop


 starts April 5, runs through the weekend, usually starting at 10 a.m.

I believe all you have to do is register with your email address.... you are not required to sit and watch it all. In fact, I don't honestly know if I ever logged in with my email address or not, I just went to the site and if a workshop was running at that moment, I watched it live.

They also have a replay later in the evening on the weekends of a live workshop.

Normally the cost is about $99-149 depending upon the workshop. Sometimes the $149 ones go for $99.

I'm VERY interested in the Photoshop and Lightroom courses. I could only imagine how beneficial those could be.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Photographer I'm following (translate to: wish i could do anything similar to hers because it's AHMAAAAZING!)

talent overload <---- click there!

Check out this amazing artist/photographer from Russia. Anastasia Volkova. *swoons*

The light in her photos, wow. She had one image a while back that I went on for days about. Now, going through all of her work, I find I like every single image. It's quite intimidating to look at work like this, but so very inspiring.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Love this guys work

Conner Allen

He is a personal friend of mine that has just exploded with creativity. I'm actually a bit jealous b/c I lack a lot in this department and I don't have 1. the time to do concept shoots 2. the money to put into them.

I sure do enjoy looking at his work and the new things he does. His editing is quite remarkable. I'm hoping some day I'll get a peek into how he has done some of his edits.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

some inspiration for the week

Photo walks for the disabled

I came upon this article and was really inspired by it. I suffer from horrible arthritis and have since I was about 8 years old. I am 34 years old and it's progressively gotten worse in the last year. Not to mention my weight doesn't help it at all. It hurts when I walk, but I need to walk and keep moving to make it better. It's a battle every day.

To see others go out and explore the world on behalf of someone, virtually bringing them along and letting them direct the photos they'd like to take is so thoughtful.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Every bit helps


The current hero video is Ken Nedimyer. Halfway down the page and on the right side, you can find the video about the difference he is making in our world. I hope that each of us can do one important thing in our life similar to this. Dedicate yourself and take action to do something positive. Please.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sharing some super dee duper fun images




Just sharing some fun Tilt Shift websites and work by Andre Kreft who I found while researching and looking for other artists work w/ Tilt Shift.

It's kind of refreshing for me to look at lighthearted work such as this. I'm not sure what it should be called. Since the subject can be people, places or things, I'm not sure what that is considered.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

just a thought.

separate an artist's life from an artist's work....


i don't know how it is possible for one not to encompass the other.

i want to always be able to make something that comes from within. Yes, it's great to create things for fun, but I'm most proud of work that says a bit about me.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

a bit of relief

Lots of horrible news in the last week and bad things happening... I'm sorry for that and for everyone going through such struggles.

I do have a little bit of light in the tunnel that is my life, though.

I got the call. He is in rehab and is clean for now. He sounds so positive and it's the first time he has wanted to be clean. Meaning, truly wanted to quit on his own, not being prompted to do so. So, we'll see. He's like a brother to me and always will be. I can't fathom the thought of losing him. I just hope with so much tenacity that he stays, completes the program and then seeks long term help. This isn't a stepping stone that he hasn't been on before....

SCC Photography Invitational

I made my way over to the Fine Arts Building a couple of weeks ago and am just now getting around to blogging about it, I apologize.
The SCC Photography Invitational pleasantly surprised me with the talent on display. I found many images I quite liked. I wish I knew more about printing how some of these images were printed. It seemed many were on Chroma, I think? Maybe someone can correct me on this description. So many stood out. However, one more than the others and not because of the type of print or format it was at all. It was smaller in size than most of them, not extremely vibrant in color like many of the others, but definitely spoke to ME. So, we all know what that means... it had a message, and if you know me, the message was somewhat dark. haha

The title was "This Will End Badly" and the photographer is: Robert Boettcher

I took a small snapshot of the photo w/ my camera phone, but I encourage everyone to go look at it for a moment if possible as my poor camera phone was just my reminder.  (That, and I like to be able to look back and have on hand things like works of art, lyrics to songs, lines from a movie, etc. that affect me.)

Monday, February 13, 2012

An up and coming artist/photographer

I know I'm supposed to blog about different photographers, but I wasn't sure if we could blog about very new ones that we admire? I figured, why not? I've been watching Ken Gehring for some time now. Every shoot, especially his concept shoots, get better and better. I'd be lying if I said he didn't inspire my work that I'm heading towards. I'd like to work with him and am probably going to pay him a visit in the springtime in Arkansas since it's not a terribly far drive.

So, there's my photographer of the week.  I can't say I know TOO much about him personally or anything I'd disclose on a blog, but I do know he's one amazing guy who has went through some shit and then some. He's worth watching b/c he's jumped leaps and bounds and I don't see him slowing his pace any time soon.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Realizing your worth...

Even though this is a photography blog, I figured I might share some thoughts now and then. I might ramble about things that seem insignificant to others, and I'm totally okay with that if you are!

Over the weekend I was taught a lesson. You can not make others realize their worth. You can tell them until you are blue in the face just how important of a human being they are and what potential they have, but there are just some people that are too far in the hole to pull out. You can throw them a rope, you can build them a damn escalator, for f's sake... but they make the choice to either grab on or hitch that ride back out. It's not up to you to make that decision for them, sadly.

I am taking substance abuse classes specifically b/c of the history I have with knowing persons affected by drugs and alcohol. I have went from someone who used to blame addicts so sternly b/c I was so pissed off when one would die that they'd be so damn selfish and hurtful to others around them, to a person who has probably too soft of a heart for people suffering from addiction. The more I learn in my classes, the more I feel, which is becoming a problem b/c I'm finding myself getting emotional reading case studies. I'm getting emotional about STRANGERS I've never met.

This weekend, I got a call from a friend who said they wanted to go to rehab. They also needed a place to stay overnight. I agreed, listened to the story of  how they reached sobriety for a week along with promises and positive ideas about what they want for their life... and felt they were being sincere. They probably were... at that moment. No one WANTS to suffer from drug addiction. YES, they made a choice to start at some point. I know that's the argument that so many make. However, knowing the history of the people I personally know that are addicted, who watched their parents use, who watched their parents die with a needle in their arm, some who were horribly abused verbally, mentally and physically... you can't tell me that some addicts aren't the product of their home and childhood experiences.

Fast forward to the light of the next day, and the attitude starts to change. Maybe it's the sickness taking over, the need for the drug is creeping on strongly, I don't know. What I do know is priorities change and become things like getting some paperwork finished, grabbing an item out of pawn, filing for a tax refund... everything mentioned except rehab. This is where I feel my heart starting to sink. I know the cycle. I know disappointment is coming. First it's "can I use your phone?"  Ten phone calls later and it's, "can we run to the gas station?" The unraveling begins and before you know it, the addict is out of the car walking in hopes of getting a pick up from a "friend" and I use that term loosely because friends, real friends, would not use with you or support your habit. After the pick up, it's off to score some dope and the whole thing starts all over... a day and night high with other users, a day of wandering around and then a night out in the freezing cold, a day at a friends house hanging out while their parents aren't home (yes, these are grown ass people, 20's, 30's, but drug addicts almost always lose everything thus ending up living at home w/ a relative/friend or homeless altogether) and then maybe a few days going from couch to couch of friends who end up asking you to leave b/c they don't want an addict there while they go to work considering addicts will steal from their own family and friends. It's a fact, don't get mad that I say it, it's true. An addict may love you, yes, but they love the drug much more, it's as simple as that. The state of mind changes, it's nothing personal.

So, we wait. Wait for the call from a hospital or a friend. We wait for a call from the police. We wait for the possibility of having to identify a body.

But we hope... for a call from rehab instead.
And we hope.... this time the addict will stay there and finish the program.
And we hope... that the person we once knew will return to life with the living.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thought some might enjoy this!

Shtuff people say to photographers:


Artist #1 - Cindy Sherman


Quickly becoming a big favorite of mine... I wish I had chosen her as my artist to do a homage on. I found her last year and fell in love with the work I saw, but the more I see, the more of her work I'm interested in. It's so very intriguing to me, and I'm not quite sure why... yet.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today is February 1st.... Here is my view for the day.... no, it's nothing beautiful....

this, this, this, this, this is something to dance to...

First, a little music I want to share. I have never met someone who actually knew who this band was except for the person who introduced me to them. Meh, it's not for everybody, but I certainly love this song. They have a few really beautiful songs.


When I edit photos, I almost have to have music playing. What I've noticed is, depending on the song or band I'm listening to, it can influence the type of editing I do... whether it be darker, brighter, more contrast, softer, etc. I thought about keeping a log of what song I was listening to during each edit, but oh my, that would be a chore.

Anyways, I'm thinking I might set it up at the get go from now on. If I am editing a family portrait with children, maybe I'll specifically put on some uplifting, cheery music to encourage my editing. If I'm editing something more dark, maybe I'll throw on some old NIN or Front 242. (I'm guessing no one who reads this will even know who Front 242 is, so go youtube them, seriously).

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DIY props

I think each week I'd like to find a DIY item I want to create and, for lack of a better phrase, Do It Myself...

To inspire me, I'm going to find photographers who DIY things to use as props. Maybe I'll eventually think of an item I can create and put up a tutorial of how to do it like the big kids do, but for now, I'll just pass on info I've found from other sources.

Son Kissed Photography's Blog has a few projects I'd like to work on this spring when I find any free time. I think finding the time might be actually harder than doing the projects.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

To view SOME of my work

Just go  HERE

Please become a fan and let me know which images you like by clicking like or leaving comments on them. I love constructive criticism, also. Don't be shy!